In recent years, there’s been a notable movement towards living well and wellness in general. Gone are the days of homes functioning as just a “roof over our heads”. Today, we expect more from the spaces we spend a significant amount of time in and the home is no exception. While the bar for features that promote wellness in new homes continues to rise, there are still ways to create a healthy eco-system within your home.

Invest in an air filter

HEPA (High Efficiency Particulate Air filter) filter  is a type of mechanical air filter. It works by forcing air through a fine mesh that traps harmful particles such as pollen, pet dander, dust mites, and tobacco smoke.

Technology lending a hand: The Airmega HEPA air purifier is a smart appliance with cutting-edge technology that allows you to manage and monitor your indoor air quality, even when you are not at home, with a mobile app that remotely adjusts the settings on Wi-Fi enabled units.


Keep your spaces neat and clean regularly

By keeping your space neat, it reduces psychological stress and anxiety especially when it comes to how our home functions for us. Dust and germs on surfaces can also make us sick so it’s crucial to give your home a good wipe down regularly, especially in high traffic areas.

Technology lending a hand: Make your cleaning efforts go a longer way with powerful machines like the iRobot Roomba 960 robot vacuum cleaner—a motorized robot that captures micro-dust and dirt on hardwood and carpet surfaces.


Switch to LED

Many light bulbs are built with white fluorescent tubes that emit high amounts of UV rays, which can lead to irreversible eye damage. If your home is lit with these, you may want to swap them out with incandescent bulbs or LED options, which are much healthier for your eyes.

Technology lending a hand: The Hue bulbs by Philips, which offer soft and gentle ambient lighting that can be controlled via your smart phone or tablet. Using the companion app, you can tell the lights to turn on or off at certain times, set them to specific colors, and manage them remotely. Philips even has preset lighting settings for various purposes like relaxing, reading, and concentrating.


Consider Greener options for your mattress and sheets

Wake up energized while keeping colds, flus, and backaches at bay. Consider investing in a high-quality mattress made with 100 percent natural latex and organic cotton. Opt for a chemical free material for your mattress and sheets to reduce unwanted health impacts.


Monitor the elements in your home

Experts suggest that conditions in our home help us function better and this includes temperature, humidity and air quality.

Technology lending a hand: The Netatmo Healthy Home Coach—a smart device that measures humidity, air quality, noise, and temperature throughout your space—brings potential problems to your attention, and offers instructions on how to fix them.